Congrats and Thanks to Jules Shepard for another successful Gluten Free cooking class held this past weekend at the Earth Fare in Raleigh. Jules wrote to let me know the class was a huge success and they raised over $110 for funding Celiac research at the University of Maryland Celiac center. The money was raised during a raffle for a gift basket which included some awesome Custom Choice Cereal (I hope to write about this soon).
- Thanksgiving is fast approaching, here are some great resources - Jules Shepard E-book | Rosie's Plate Thanksgiving menu |'s write-up (includes how to find a GF turkey and many recipes and tips) | An update on Butterball's gravy packet from The Savvy Celiac | Triumph Dining blogs about Whole Foods' holiday recipes.
- An update on the Great Value Brand from Wal-Mart from the Savvy Celiac. Some usually naturally GF items are no longer marked that way - watch out!
- Check out an article on an upcoming Celiac Disease lecture over at Duke on Gluten Free Durham.
- Here is an update to a previous story I wrote about Elisabeth Hasselbeck's book and plagiarism lawsuit (case was dropped).
- Here is an article detailing how families with a lower income can eat GF/CF.
- Want to cure your Celiac? Get some hookworms (ahh).
- Click here for some information on a recent rumor about Hershey's candy and flour dusting. Be careful what you read on the Internet!
- Here is an update from about new GF offerings from Progresso. I've seen these recently in the store - thanks AGAIN General Mills!
- Domino's Pizza now offering Gluten Free pizza!?! (looks like only in Australia). I'll check this out and see what I can find about the USA.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Gluten Free Raleigh Dispatch: 11-17-2009
Gluten Free Raleigh Dispatch
Domino's Pizza update - I received word from a customer service rep that they have NO plans of offering a GF pizza crust here in the USA anytime soon.
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