Zach has reached out to several of us with area Gluten Free and Celiac related businesses to do guest posts. If you are interested, or have comments for him, please let him know.
I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2006, right before the birth of our first child. Like, Zach, I have DH. I'd had symptoms for over 15 years by the time I was properly diagnosed (that in itself is a painful story). In 2009 I first met Zach and we talked about ways to make it easier to find GF foods. Result #1 is below.
This map is put together from all of the area GF information that Zach has captured over the past several years, as well as data we've gathered from setting up maps at GF events at Whole Foods and Earth Fair. Click on any of those locations in our system and you'll see the local menu. You'll see which items are known to be gluten free and which are not, as well as how we sourced the information.
That's just the start. We also make it easy to add new information, be it on packaged goods (like what you'd find at a grocer) or on prepared foods (like what you'd find at a restaurant) for anyone who is a registered member. We've been focused on adding locations and products for the greater triangle area. At this point we've got most of the information from Zach's site imported in, easy to search and posted to maps where relevant.
The site is now free for area users and we would greatly appreciate your feedback. We took the name Juno Nutrition, for the Roman Goddess Juno, who was defender of the community. Her epithet (your literary professor's term for slogan) was "Juno warns."
Fred Lybrand
Founder - Juno Nutrition