Cooking With Gluten Free Grains, with Jean Wright, Certified Health Coach
6:30 - 8:00 pm
$5, Pre-Register
Are you looking for inspiration on ways to jazz up a gluten free diet, or just looking for new and delicious ideas to add more ancient grains to your menu? Then this is the right class for you! Join us for an intriguing workshop with Jean, where we’ll learn about the wide variety of gluten free grains available here at Whole Foods Market, how they are so good for you, and what to do with them. She will discuss tips on selection, storage, and preparation of grains. Jean will also share some recipes that are simple and delicious, and family-friendly, too! As an added treat, we will get to sample a yummy recipe at the end of class.
If you are moving toward cooking more gluten free meals, then you won’t want to miss this educational and delicious experience!
Jean, AADP Board Certified Health Coach and Speaker, is the founder and director of Health From Inside Out, a successful health coaching company located in Raleigh. She works with clients who are looking for balance in their lives, who want to explore new foods, gain confidence in their own cooking skills, reduce stress levels, and experience renewed vitality. To learn more, please visit